The Time for the Epoch of Indivisible Security Has Come

by Laurie Meadows
First published 18 June 2024. Edited Saturday 11 September 2024

There is no alternative to indivisible security     No Indivisible Security - hybrid war on the west    Create indivisibly secure global trade mechanics 

USA must not interfere in Eurasian countries indivisible security arrangements     A system of bilateral and multilateral Eurasian security 

Annex -History of the Indivisible Security Concept and the consequences of refusing it

An epoch is a period of long-lasting important change. An era is a shorter period within this.

The attempt to suppress the economic and social development of Russia has come to a dead end. The United Nations has proven to be inadequate to the task of maintaining peace, due to the veto powers of the members of the Security Council.

Russia under the Presidency of Vladimir Putin and his top officials realised that if Russia was to develop and meet all the needs of its people - security, economic, social - then it first needed to have security from the nuclear and land-assault threats the west (in the form of NATO) had created on its borders.

"I think that everyone is starting to understand...that it is necessary to go back to the conceptual framework proposed by the best minds in Europe dozens of years ago – the necessity to create a common economic and humanitarian space from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, as well as a space where security would be common and indivisible.

This idea was confirmed at the OSCE Summit in Astana in 2010, where participants coordinated an appeal for creating a community of equal, comprehensive and indivisible security based on cooperation.

These words were voiced and put into the document. They have to be implemented, and Russia is ready to do this"
Sergey Lavrov 7 December 2018

Russia attempted to embrace the European idea of 'indivisible security'. This was the concept that while nations may act together to protect the security of any one of them, that communal action could never be at the expense of threatening the security of some other nation. The concept of indivisible security was developed and promoted by the Europeans themselves, acting cooperatively as members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Russia joined the OSCE as a member state, and enthusiastically endorsed the principle of indivisible security. The conceptual framework was, as Russia's Deputy Director of the Department for non-proliferation and arms control said in July 2024, put forward by "the best minds in Europe dozens of years ago".

But the OSCE has been made a degenerate organisation, due to the influence of the more rabid European politicians, who are controlled by the United States.

"The OSCE has failed because its founding principles – equal and indivisible security, ensuring that no participant strengthens their security at the expense of others – have been trampled on."
Sergey Lavrov 18 December 2024

As it turned out in Ukraine, the west, through the actions of USA, Germany and France, actively undermined all peace processes and worked day and night to create a Ukrainian proxy force that would ultimately threaten Russia with nuclear weapons minutes from the Russian command and control centers, creating ideal conditions for a Pearl Harbor style surprise attack.

In effect, all security instruments were ignored, corrupted, or deliberately misinterpreted by the west. All of them. The United Nations Charter, the 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States, the 1975 Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the 1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, the 1999 Charter for European Security, and the 1997 Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Russian Federation.

Modern security from war, terrorism, cyberattacks, biological attacks, chemical attacks, economic sanction attacks, psychological propaganda campaign attacks, denial of access to resources of all kinds, food security - all are multi-faceted dimensions of security. The need to agree on fair and universal security arrangements as nations compete for diminishing mineral reserves is more important than ever. The same goes for the dimensions of food security. After all, the climate is changing, there are increasing droughts, fires, floods, new pests emerging. We must all work together to overcome these challenges. This is Russia's point. No one can be allowed to create security threats for others - and most particularly biological threats affecting human health, or plant or animal health.

The world is now both interdependent and truly globalised. The Covid-19 shutdowns demonstrated this in the most vivid fashion. Russia wishes to sustainably develop, ensure its security, and progressively improve the overall well-being of Russian people - and particularly families. This should be the task of all governments in the world, obviously. But as the west has tried to prevent peaceful cooperation and the existing international agreements don't work, a better way has to be found. Russia has found itself in the position of having to be the one to find that better way.

Russia signaled the need to find a better way in 2007, at the 2007 Munich Security Conference.(Edited outtake below)

""It is well known that international security comprises much more than issues relating to military and political stability.

It involves the stability of the global economy, overcoming poverty, economic security and developing a dialogue between civilisations

This universal, indivisible character of security is expressed as the basic principle that “security for one is security for all”...And, just like any war, the Cold War left us with live ammunition, figuratively speaking.

I am referring to ideological stereotypes, double standards and other typical aspects of Cold War bloc thinking.

The unipolar world that had been proposed after the Cold War did not take place either....However, what is a unipolar world? the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making.

It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within ..

I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world...Unilateral and frequently illegitimate actions have not resolved any problems. Moreover, they have caused new human tragedies and created new centres of tension.

We are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law.

And independent legal norms are, as a matter of fact, coming increasingly closer to one state’s legal system. One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?

In international relations we increasingly see the desire to resolve a given question according to so-called issues of political expediency, based on the current political climate.

And of course this is extremely dangerous. It results in the fact that no one feels safe.I am convinced that we have reached that decisive moment when we must seriously think about the architecture of global security.

And we must proceed by searching for a reasonable balance between the interests of all participants in the international dialogue. Especially since the international landscape is so varied and changes so quickly – changes in light of the dynamic development in a whole number of countries and regions...The combined GDP measured in purchasing power parity of countries such as India and China is already greater than that of the United States. And a similar calculation with the GDP of the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – surpasses the cumulative GDP of the EU. And according to experts this gap will only increase in the future.

There is no reason to doubt that the economic potential of the new centres of global economic growth will inevitably be converted into political influence and will strengthen multipolarity...

...I am convinced that the only mechanism that can make decisions about using military force as a last resort is the Charter of the United Nations... I would like to recall that in the 1980s the USSR and the United States signed an agreement on destroying a whole range of small - and medium-range missiles but these documents do not have a universal character.

Today many other countries have these missiles, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, India, Iran, Pakistan and Israel. Many countries are working on these systems and plan to incorporate them as part of their weapons arsenals. And only the United States and Russia bear the responsibility to not create such weapons systems.

It is obvious that in these conditions we must think about ensuring our own security.

At the same time, it is impossible to sanction the appearance of new, destabilising high-tech weapons.

Needless to say it refers to measures to prevent a new area of confrontation, especially in outer space....The Adapted Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe was signed in 1999. It took into account a new geopolitical reality, namely the elimination of the Warsaw bloc. Seven years have passed and only four states have ratified this document, including the Russian Federation.

NATO countries openly declared that they will not ratify this treaty, including the provisions on flank restrictions (on deploying a certain number of armed forces in the flank zones), until Russia removed its military bases from Georgia and Moldova. Our army is leaving Georgia, even according to an accelerated schedule. We resolved the problems we had with our Georgian colleagues, as everybody knows. There are still 1,500 servicemen in Moldova that are carrying out peacekeeping operations and protecting warehouses with ammunition left over from Soviet times...Simultaneously the so-called flexible frontline American bases with up to five thousand men in each.

It turns out that NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders, and we continue to strictly fulfil the treaty obligations and do not react to these actions at all.

I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernisation of the Alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe.

On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them. But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: “the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee”. Where are these guarantees?...

In the energy sector Russia intends to create uniform market principles and transparent conditions for all. It is obvious that energy prices must be determined by the market instead of being the subject of political speculation, economic pressure or blackmail...Economic security is the sector in which all must adhere to uniform principles....

 As you know, the process of Russia joining the WTO has reached its final stages. I would point out that during long, difficult talks we heard words about freedom of speech, free trade, and equal possibilities more than once but, for some reason, exclusively in reference to the Russian market.

And there is still one more important theme that directly affects global security. Today many talk about the struggle against poverty. What is actually happening in this sphere? On the one hand, financial resources are allocated for programmes to help the world’s poorest countries – and at times substantial financial resources. But to be honest — and many here also know this – linked with the development of that same donor country’s companies. And on the other hand, developed countries simultaneously keep their agricultural subsidies and limit some countries’ access to high-tech products.

And let’s say things as they are – one hand distributes charitable help and the other hand not only preserves economic backwardness but also reaps the profits thereof.

The increasing social tension in depressed regions inevitably results in the growth of radicalism, extremism, feeds terrorism and local conflicts. And if all this happens in, shall we say, a region such as the Middle East where there is increasingly the sense that the world at large is unfair, then there is the risk of global destabilisation.

It is obvious that the world’s leading countries should see this threat. And that they should therefore build a more democratic, fairer system of global economic relations, a system that would give everyone the chance and the possibility to develop...

According to the founding documents, in the humanitarian sphere the OSCE is designed to assist country members in observing international human rights norms at their request. This is an important task. We support this. But this does not mean interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and especially not imposing a regime that determines how these states should live and develop.

It is obvious that such interference does not promote the development of democratic states at all. On the contrary, it makes them dependent and, as a consequence, politically and economically unstable...

....I very often – hear appeals by our partners, including our European partners, to the effect that Russia should play an increasingly active role in world affairs.

In connection with this I would allow myself to make one small remark. It is hardly necessary to incite us to do so.

Russia is a country with a history that spans more than a thousand years and has practically always used the privilege to carry out an independent foreign policy.

We are not going to change this tradition today. At the same time, we are well aware of how the world has changed and we have a realistic sense of our own opportunities and potential. And of course we would like to interact with responsible and independent partners with whom we could work together in constructing a fair and democratic world order that would ensure security and prosperity not only for a select few, but for all....

What are we indebted to in the past decades if there was a stand-off between two superpowers and two systems, but nevertheless a big war did not take place? We are indebted to the balance of powers between these two superpowers. There was an equilibrium and a fear of mutual destruction. And in those days one party was afraid to make an extra step without consulting the other. And this was certainly a fragile peace and a frightening one. But as we see today, it was reliable enough. Today, it seems that the peace is not so reliable...

...the United States is actively developing and already strengthening an anti-missile defence system. Today this system is ineffective but we do not know exactly whether it will one day be effective. But in theory it is being created for that purpose. So hypothetically we recognise that when this moment arrives, the possible threat from our nuclear forces will be completely neutralised. Russia’s present nuclear capabilities, that is.

The balance of powers will be absolutely destroyed and one of the parties will benefit from the feeling of complete security. This means that its hands will be free not only in local but eventually also in global conflicts.

We are discussing this with you now. I would not want anyone to suspect any aggressive intentions on our part.

But the system of international relations is just like mathematics. There are no personal dimensions.

And of course we should react to this.... I will allow myself to remind both myself and my colleagues that according to the UN Charter peace-keeping operations require the sanction of both the UN and the UN Security Council. This is in the case of peace-keeping operations. But in the UN Charter there is also an article about self-defence. And no sanctions [editor - permissions]  are required in this case...

...As to fears and so on, are you aware that today Russians have fewer fears than citizens in many other countries? Because in the last few years we made cardinal changes to improve the economic well-being of our citizens. We still have a great many problems. And we still have a great many unresolved problems. Including problems linked with poverty. And I can tell you that fears basically come from this source."
Vladimir Putin, 2007

As the Russian President pointed out, indivisible security requires all countries to join a universal nuclear arms control treat, not just the major powers of this dying epoch. North Korea has missiles that can now reach the USA mainland, thanks to Russia (this is a form of Russian coercion to catalyse dialogue. They did the same in Ukraine when they made a lightning strike into Kiev city - talks were agreed 4 days later. But the west cancelled them. Coercion, even as an almost last resort, doesn't always work.) Clearly, increasingly more sophisticated missiles will arrive in the hands of many different countries around the world. Some will have the destructive power of low yield tactical nuclear weapons. Effective instruments of arms control must be found, with accent on the word 'effective'. But progress cannot be hostage to what the USA wants, which, so far, is unreasoning one sided advantage for itself. It won't work. Therefore the USA must be sidelined, and arms controls developed bilaterally or multilaterally, in a flexible but effective series of interconnected (perhaps) instruments.

Indivisible security also encompasses economic security. Clearly, instruments will have to be developed to punish those who impose illegal sanctions. Russia has made a start.

There is no doubt Russia wants peace for itself, as a first priority. But peace for the world is also in Russia's interest, just as it is for everybody. But good manners and a desire for peace does not equate to weakness. Russia won't be tricked yet again by the West's lies.

"We know various options that are being discussed, we know the ”lures“ they are going to show us in order to convince us that the time has come.

Once again, we want to resolve all peaceful means. And we are ready for that, we want that.

But this should be a serious negotiation with provision of security for the opposing side, and in this case we are primarily interested in the security of the Russian Federation.

That is what we will proceed from."
Vladimir Putin 13 March 2024 

The new epoch was born in 2007, but it is starting to come of age in 2024. An edited part of Mr. Putin's epoch-catalysing direction to the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs is  reproduced below (the full directive is here):

" was Washington that undermined strategic stability by unilaterally withdrawing from the treaties on anti-missile defence, on the elimination of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles and on open skies, and, together with its NATO satellites, dismantling the decades-old system of confidence-building measures and arms control in Europe...

...Calls for a strategic defeat of Russia, which possesses the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme recklessness of Western politicians...

...It is evident that the entire system of Euro-Atlantic security is crumbling before our eyes. At present, it is practically non-existent and must be rebuilt.

To achieve this, we must collaborate with interested develop our own strategies for ensuring security in Eurasia and then present them for broader international deliberation.

This is the task set in the Address to the Federal Assembly: to outline a vision for equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation, and development on the Eurasian continent in the foreseeable future.

What needs to be done to achieve this and on what principles?

First, it is important to establish dialogue with all potential participants in this future security system. I would like to ask you to address the necessary issues with countries that are open to constructive interaction with Russia.

During my recent visit to China, President Xi Jinping and I discussed this issue. It was noted that the Russian proposal is not contradictory, but rather complements and aligns with the basic principles of the Chinese global security initiative.

Second, it is crucial to recognise that the future security architecture should be open to all Eurasian countries that wish to participate in its creation. ”For all“ includes European and NATO countries as well. We share the same continent, and we must live and work together regardless of the circumstances. Geography cannot be changed.

Yes, Russia's relations with the EU and many European countries have deteriorated, and it is important to emphasise that we are not to blame for that. The anti-Russia propaganda campaign, involving senior European politicians, is accompanied by speculation that Russia intends to attack Europe. I have addressed this issue before, and there is no need to repeat it again here. We all understand that these claims are baseless and serve only to justify an arms race...

The threat to Europe does not come from Russia. The main threat to Europeans is their critical and increasing dependence on the United States in military, political, technological, ideological, and informational aspects. Europe is being marginalised in global economic development, plunged into the chaos of challenges such as migration, and losing international agency and cultural identity...

...The United States is investing in military technologies, particularly advanced future technologies such as space exploration, modern drones and strike systems based on new physical principles. The United States is funding areas that will shape the nature of future armed conflicts, as well as the military and political power of nations and their standing in the world. These countries are expected to invest in areas of interest to the United States. However, this does not expand European potential...

If Europe wants to continue being an independent centre of global development and a cultural and civilisational pole on our planet, it should definitely maintain good and friendly relations with Russia. Most importantly, we are ready for this...

...I vividly recall participating in a conversation in 1991 where German Chancellor Helmut Kohl emphasised the importance of partnership between Europe and Russia. I hope that new generations of European politicians will eventually restore this legacy.

Speaking of the United States, the never-ending maintain their imperial status and dominance...are only further exhausting the country... and clearly contrary to the genuine interests of the American people. If it were not for this dead-end relations would have long been stabilised.

Third, it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral organisations already operating in Eurasia to promote the idea of a Eurasian security system, above all such organisations as the Union State, the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

We consider it possible that other influential Eurasian associations from Southeast Asia to the Middle East will join these processes in the future.

Fourth, we believe that the time has come to start a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in Eurasia.

At the same time, it is necessary, in the long term, to gradually phase out the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region.

Of course, we are aware that in the current situation this point may seem unrealistic, but that will change. However, if we build a reliable security system in the future, there will simply be no need for such a presence of out-of-region military contingents. To be honest, there no need today either – just occupation and that’s all.

In the final analysis we believe that countries and regional structures in Eurasia should themselves identify specific areas of cooperation in joint security. Guided by this, they must also build a system of working institutions, mechanisms, and agreements that would really serve to achieve common stability and development goals.

In this sense, we support our Belarusian friends’ initiative to develop a programme document – a charter of multipolarity and diversity in the 21st century. It can formulate not only the framework principles of Eurasian architecture based on the essential norms of international law, but also, a strategic vision of the nature of multipolarity in a broader sense and multilateralism as a new system of international relations which would replace the Western-centric world.

I consider it important and would like to ask you to thoroughly work out on this document with our partners and with all interested states.

I will add that when discussing such complicated and comprehensive issues, we need as broad representation as possible and a consideration of different approaches and positions.

Fifth, an crucial part of the Eurasian security and development system should definitely be the issues of the economy, social well-being, integration, and mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as addressing such common problems as overcoming poverty, inequality, the climate, the environment, and developing mechanisms to respond to the threats of pandemics and crises in the global economy. All that is important.

The West not only undermined the world’s military-political stability by its actions. It has compromised and weakened the key market institutions by its sanctions and trade wars.

Using the IMF and the World Bank and twisting the climate agenda, it has been restraining the development of the Global South. applies prohibitive barriers and all kinds of protectionism...the United States has abandoned the World Trade Organisation as an international trade regulator. Everything is blocked. Meanwhile, the pressure is exerted not only on competitors, but on their own satellites....European economies which are teetering on the brink of recession.

Western countries have frozen some of Russia's assets and currency reserves. Now they are trying to invent some legal justification for their irreversible appropriation... By stealing Russian assets, they will take one more step towards destroying the system that they created themselves and that for many decades ensured their prosperity, allowed them to consume more than they earn, and attracted money from all over the world through debts and liabilities.

Now it is becoming clear to all countries, companies and sovereign wealth funds that their assets and reserves are far from safe, both legally and economically. And anyone could be the next in line for expropriation by the United States and the West, those foreign sovereign wealth funds could also be the one.

There is already a growing distrust of the financial system based on Western reserve currencies. There has appeared a certain outflow of funds from securities and bonds of Western countries, as well as from some European banks, which were until fairly recently considered to be absolutely reliable to put capital in. Now gold is also being taken out-  gold from those banks. And this is the right thing to do.

I believe that we need to seriously intensify the formation of effective and safe bilateral and multilateral foreign economic mechanisms as alternatives to those controlled by the West. This includes the expansion of settlements in national currencies, the creation of independent payment systems and the building of value chains that bypass the channels blocked or compromised by the West.

Naturally, it is necessary to continue efforts to develop international transport corridors in Eurasia, the continent with Russia as its natural geographical core.

Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I instruct you to assist as much as possible in developing international agreements in all these areas. They are extremely important for strengthening economic cooperation between our country and our partners. This should also give a new impetus to building a large Eurasian partnership, which, in essence, may become a socioeconomic basis for a new indivisible security system in Europe...

Our proposals aim to establish a system where all nations can feel secure.

With such a framework, we could approach today’s numerous conflicts in a different way, and more constructively.

The issues of insecurity and mutual distrust are not limited to the Eurasian continent; rising tensions are evident worldwide.

The interconnection and interdependence of our world are constantly apparent
Vladimir Putin 14 June 2024

USA must not interfere in Eurasian countries indivisible security arrangements

Security for greater Eurasia - from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, from the Arctic shoreline to the Southern periphery connection to Africa, all South Asia to the South East Asian Island States. When it comes to the greater body of the massive Eurasian super-continent, success can only come through logic, exploring the reasonable limits of possibilities, constant strategic planning, imagination, and flexibility when confronted with obstacles. One major obstacle is the malignant policies of the United States political class in the wider sense that noted geopolitical commentator Ray McGovern defined it (the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex, or 'MICIMATT').

The United States is not geographically contiguous with Eurasia. In some matters it cannot be ignored. Otherwise, it can. USA is an island continent, with it's own enormous resources of all kinds (albeit it is unwilling to pay the costs of depleting its own mineral first - it would rather deplete someone elses). Notice that the Russian President only refers to NATO in the context of the European component of NATO that shares the same geographic boundary. It is best to leave trouble makers out. Moreover, it is best to gradually phase them out. The Russian President has long considered that a unified military defense structure shared across cooperating countries will supply adequate defense for all while at the same time minimising the waste of money on military materiel and armed forces.

Ultimately, and he has previously mentioned this, it will be possible, in principle, to entirely eliminate nuclear weapons. Even the United States will eventually acquire unstoppable hypersonic weapons. After all, if the command and control centers - including the Presidential Commanding Officer - of any aggressor countries anywhere can be reliably eliminated, it creates a very powerful incentive for politicians to not create conflicts, direct or by proxy.

If that is the case, what is the point of nuclear weapons? There is none.

Nuclear non proliferation principles of increased and indivisible security 

"Russia, for its part, has consistently maintained that it is necessary to rely on the approaches that have no alternative and that have been enshrined in the provisions of the NPT and the consensus documents of the NPT review process.

Their key clauses stipulate that nuclear disarmament should be considered as an integral part of the process of general and complete disarmament and that steps leading to nuclear disarmament should promote international peace and stability and be based on the principle of increased and undiminished security for all.

What we have here at hand is highly sensitive national security aspects that should not be addressed without due regard for strategic situation ...Russia has to retain nuclear deterrence as an integral component of its efforts to address specific external threats, which continue to increase, affecting our country's vital interests.

As a consequence, while the provisions of Russia's doctrines evolve, the factor of nuclear deterrence keeps playing an important role. pursuit of overwhelming military superiority and with full support of its allies, the United States continues to undermine the remains of the international security architecture, which it has already destroyed to a large extent. Washington has opted for bloc politics and keeps forming more and more military coalitions, implementing a variety of actions and technical military programmes that undermine strategic stability.

Particular emphasis should be put on the destabilizing practice of the NATO's so-called "nuclear sharing" involving forward-based U.S. nuclear weapons deployed in Europe, that is, thousands miles away from the U.S., and capable of promptly hitting critical targets in the territory of Russia and its allies.

Given the general increase in threats posed by the West and active modernization of the mentioned nuclear capabilities, this practice increases strategic risks and prompts one to take compensating counter-measures. This factor ...has long been a major obstacle to further steps in the field of nuclear disarmament.

We reiterate that the United States' nuclear weapons must be completely withdrawn to their national territory and the relevant infrastructure in Europe must be dismantled.

Washington's steps to replicate such schemes in other parts of the world where the United States already practices its so-called "extended nuclear deterrence," also have extremely negative implications for regional and global security.

In particular, the United States' and Republic of Korea's joint "nuclear planning" activities accompanied by calls to involve Japan in the process, create considerable tension in the Asia-Pacific and spur arms race. These tensions are fuelled by Washington's active steps to deploy its strategic platforms in the region, including nuclear delivery vehicles, and plans to transfer systems that could carry nuclear weapons, to their allies.

In particular, the United States intends to transfer to Australia submarines designed, among other things, to carry nuclear cruise missiles that are under development....

One should also mention Washington's long-term policy of shaking and re-formatting the arms control architecture to suit its selfish purposes. The system of relevant mutually reinforcing agreements has already been largely destroyed by the United States, who, on the one hand, has cynically dismantled all the international instruments that restrained it, and, on the other hand, took destructive steps that rendered the implementation of a number of treaties counter-productive for other parties.

All this highlights the hypocrisy of the United States' attempts to impose on its opponents unfair arms control and strategic risk reduction schemes that do not correspond to the realities and benefit no one but Washington.

Until Washington and the U.S.-led NATO, who renounce the principle of equality and show no readiness to respect our security interests, abandon their profoundly hostile anti-Russian policy, strategic dialogue with the West remains pointless to Russia. "
Deputy Head of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 11th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 25 July 2025

Nuclear free zones in Eurasia are certainly possible, at least for intermediate range missiles. In turn, this requires watertight agreements, and rigorous inspection processes.

The USA is an obstacle to nuclear disarmament. The USA is adding nuclear glide bombs all around Russia's borders. It is scheming to install cruise missiles (eventually hypersonic) in countries bordering Russia and China that are nothing but ciphers for the US malign plans. It is adding a notional possibility to shoot down all Russian nuclear missiles launched in response to a US nuclear (or proxy) nuclear first strike attack. (Ultimately Russia and China will have to amend their nuclear doctrine to allow for a strike on the country that provided the nuclear device to any proxy country that launches a first strike nuclear attack on Russia or China. An amended doctrine should, in my opinion, also include the US or Europeans providing the material, components, instructions, advice to make a nuclear weapons, whether 'washed' through many proxy hands or not - and without limit of time.)

Russia and China will make their own arrangements to create exactly the same 'hair-trigger' risk to the continental United States that the United States creates to Russia and China. Unlike the United States, Russia and China will not rely on cipher countries to deliver the nuclear attack. Russia and China already have the means - and they are becoming more numerous - to deliver nuclear strikes almost anywhere in the USA from sea and air with missiles immune to any current or likely future US anti-missile defence system.

" the United States advances its plans to deploy its ground-launched intermediate and shorter-range missiles in different parts of the world, Russia's unilateral moratorium on the deployment of similar systems is hanging by a thread. There are some other countries that will have to respond to Washington's steps in this area. As a result, the chain of actions and reactions initiated by the United States will inevitably cause a new and extremely dangerous surge in negative dynamics.

In view of the above, Russia continues to insist that the disarmament issues, including the matters of nuclear disarmament, should be discussed exclusively within the general context of comprehensive strengthening of international security and stability."
Deputy Head of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 11th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 25 July 2024

"We regularly discuss the issue of ground-based middle- and shorter-range missiles with our Chinese colleagues. We coordinate our approaches to this agenda. So, we can with good reason confirm that Moscow and Beijing’s assessments in this area are practically identical. This is corroborated by joint Russian-Chinese top-level statements.

The aim of the US deployments is obvious. Washington deploys forward-based missile weapons of different types as part of its comprehensive efforts to project strength on Russia and China within the framework of its statements regarding the “dual containment” strategy aimed at the two countries. It is also clear that simultaneously the Americans are bringing pressure to bear on some other states they dislike. 

The consequences of the US actions are no less clear, either. They tend to undermine global and regional stability, lead to a general rise in tensions, and encourage an arms race.

As is clear, Russia and China will have to respond to the emergence of new and substantial missile threats by far from political means alone.

No one should doubt that Russia – like, we are sure, China – will not allow their national security and defence capability to be compromised due to these destructive US actions.

In this context, let me remind you about the Russian-Chinese understanding made public by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: Moscow and Beijing will respond to the US “dual containment” with “dual counteraction.”

Our double counteraction is exclusively a measure of defence. Our relations are not proactively directed against other countries but are designed to align our potential in the face of aggression or attack policies. It is crucial to understand the essence of relations and their practical implementation."
Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, 11 September 2024

Indivisible security requires a complex web of checks and balances, inspections, compromises and so forth. It is impossible to reliably achieve this with the US at the moment. But if bilateral and multilateral arrangements based on the principles of increased security that is not at the expense of anyone else becomes current in Eurasia and the global south more generally, where does that leave a typical US cipher-country, a zombie, without sovereignty?

Standing alone, dust in its pocket, gun at its head.

Does the average European citizen want this?

The politicians they elect do.

They appear not to understand they have entered the epochal change to indivisible security. They must either change, or get out of the way. Collective security is hard enough to achieve as it is. Childish wreckers and destroyers have no place here. Peace needs mature politicians of intelligence, goodwill, integrity - and power. If the Europeans won't move with the times, so be it. Self interested sovereign countries of the global majority will make their own web of agreements, bilaterally, multilaterally, or both.

Its mix and match time.

A system of bilateral and multilateral Eurasian security

"...the US and its allies...sought to build a security model in the European region that would presuppose their dominance and would ignore the repeatedly proclaimed principle of the indivisibility of security. clearly demonstrated that such a “Euro-Atlantic” concept has proven its inconsistency and actually come to collapse. This could not but affect the OSCE and, in particular, the politico-military dimension of its activities. Russia, on the other hand, sought to defend those principles that were laid down in Helsinki (for example, the sovereign equality of participating States), and then enshrined, in particular, in Astana (the indivisibility of security).

Now is the moment of truth. Either our opponents will reconsider their approaches and return from fanning confrontation to the path of cooperation (although, let’s face it, we no longer believe in such sanity on their part). Or the existing institutions will be completely marginalized, and we will be faced with the question whether it is expedient to continue participation in them, investing effort and resources. the context of accelerating world order reorganization, it is equally in the interests of Russia and the majority of independent States of our continent that a system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in Eurasia develops....

The time has come to begin a broad discussion on such a system.

It will be open to all interested Eurasian States and not directed against anyone’s interests;

it will embody the principle of “regional problems – regional solutions” in relation to the mainland.
This would serve as a safety net against geopolitical upheavals arising from the crisis of globalization, built according to Western patterns.

Within the framework of the new architecture, military-political guarantees would be designed to
protect its participants from external threats,
a conflict-free space would be created, open to
cooperation in the interests of all States located here, and
the destabilizing influence of extra-regional players would be minimized or eliminated.

At the same time, in the future it is necessary to work towards a gradual reduction in the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region.

Of course, a literal return to the Russian security proposals that we put forward 25, 15 or even two years ago is impossible – too much has happened, circumstances have changed.

However, the basic principles and, most importantly, the very subject of the dialogue remain unchanged.

It is up to each of the European and Asian States represented in this room to decide whether to take part in the creation of such a system or remain on the sidelines of this process."
Anton Mazur Deputy Director of the Department for non-proliferation and arms control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia 18 July 2024

I have restructured Mr.Mazur's remarks to highlight the arrangements being suggested mitigate or solve a number of current  problems. They can be summarised as protection, peace, cooperation, legitimate sovereign interests, and stability. The ultimate vision is 'onshoring' of military power potential to Eurasia.

"Answering a question about NATO’s long-standing claim of being a defensive alliance that protects the territories of its member countries, Jens Stoltenberg said that while NATO remains a defensive alliance, the threats it faces are now global, necessitating its presence in the Indo-Pacific region.

The aggressive and unfair nature of this stance is evident to all.

Alongside the PRC and our other partners within the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, ASEAN, and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, we advocate for a Eurasian security model. This model will be based on equality, indivisibility of security, and mutual consideration of interests across the board. Achieving this model will take considerable time and effort."
Sergey Lavrov 18 July 2024

These arrangements will certainly take a long time. But the 2008 framework had a lot of flexibility. Countries could join and leave relatively easily. Similar provisions will be an important feature of a new framework. I advise those interested to go to my 2022 article and examine and think about the principles, provisions, and structure of the Russian 2008 proposal for indivisible security.

Create indivisibly secure global trade mechanics
Global financial institutions have been undermined. No countries sovereign wealth fund is safe. No one will trust western financial mechanisms in future. US treasuries will be quit. Sovereign gold holdings in western depositories will be repatriated. Naturally, countries will be attracted to direct bilateral trade. Electronic payment systems for imports and exports are already under way, making it impossible for the west to interfere. Re-establishment of the security of international financial transactions is once again reliably ensured. Well, outside the western countries, at least. Whether or not there is some form of 'closed loop' gold-backed trading currency outside the west is far from a settled question. But it cannot be absolutely excluded. One thing is certain: trade relations in the new epoch will no longer be interfered with by third party hands.

Along with the 2023 Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, (my annotated and opinionated version is here), this is the direction leading into a new epoch of flexible and adaptable agreements and institutions that don't have the systemic and irreparable flaws of the current western institutions and agreements. The 'program document' the President mentioned is the start of painstaking and no doubt slow work to formalise an outline of the structures of the new epoch. This is an historic moment, ultimately affecting everybodies lives, but the people of the west are oblivious to it.

Once the instruments of the new epoch take further concrete form, countries will be able chose to 'pick and mix' bilateral and multilateral arrangements available from both the old dying epoch and the new. The old epoch arrangements deliberately and arrogantly reject and exclude the new; the new epoch instruments embrace the best of the old, and in contrast to the old western-biased arrangements, offer new, flexible and adjustable arrangements, without compulsion or exclusion.

There is no alternative to indivisible security
What is the alternative to indivisible security for all? What if the west takes conflict and provocation to the very brink, whether with Russia, China, or Belarus? Look at it through Russia's eyes.

The primary issue for Russia is not Ukraine, important though that is, it is that the USA is ringing Russia with potentially nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, probably so-called 'low yield' tactical nuclear weapons. These missiles will eventually be hypersonic and therefore very difficult for Russia to shoot down. In fact, given the length of Russia border, it will be impossible to shoot them all down. Together, these threaten the end of the Russian State. If the US/NATO refuses to remove these nuclear weapons from its border, what options does it have?

As the Russian President said on the 13th of March 2024, although in the context of Ukraine, Russia is mainly interested in it's own security. How could it not be? This is normal for all countries. Once again, Russia is obliquely pointing out that security is indivisible - there must be security for all, not just for one side, whether the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Germany, France, United Kingdom, or the United States. The Russian President keeps emphasizing this. On June 14 2024, in a meeting with senior Foreign Ministry officials, Mr. Putin said:

"Clearly, a new equal and indivisible security framework must be created in Eurasia in the foreseeable future. We are ready for a substantive discussion on this subject with all countries and associations that may be interested in it..."
Vladimir Putin 29 February 2024

I would like to stress that it is impossible to reach a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis and to overall European security without Russia’s participation, without an honest and responsible dialogue with us.
Vladimir Putin June 14 2024

The only option is for President Putin to persuade the Europeans that it is in their interests to remove the American nuclear weapons from Europe, and for the French and British never to provide missiles to Ukraine. (Ukraine could easily retrofit such missiles with small nuclear warheads.) Russia has repeatedly warned the west not to cross its red lines, and that Russia is the only one to determine where its red lines are and and at what point they have been crossed. The 'means' available for Russia to respond to the west crossing its red lines may be asymmetrical. A few of the available means are described in this section on my article on coercive diplomacy.

Once again, there will be no peaceful solution to the Ukraine conflict or to the NATO hybrid economic, cyber, space targeting, political and propaganda war on the Russian Federation without honest dialogue with Russia. The alternative is a military solution in Ukraines's case, and multi-dimensional war with the west by economic, psychological, and cyber-destructive means.

No Indivisible Security - hybrid war on the west
It was left to Mr. Medvedev, at his unmoderated and over-the-top best, to describe the modern Hades that would result for the west:

"13 June 2024
Here are the new American sanctions. There will be new European ones soon. Do we need to respond to them? It seems not, their number is already measured in tens of thousands. We have learned to live and develop with them.

On the other hand, it is necessary. Not only for the authorities, the state, but for all our people in general. For everyone who loves our Motherland - Russia. After all, they - the USA and their fucking allies - declared war on us without rules!

How to react? I already talked about this once, but it’s worth repeating.
Every day we must try to inflict maximum harm on those countries that have imposed these restrictions on our country and all our citizens.
Harm in everything in which harm can be done.
Harm to their economies, their institutions and their rulers.
Harm to the well-being of their citizens. Their confidence in the future.

To do this, we must continue to look for the critical vulnerabilities of their economies and hit them in all areas.

Cause damage in all places, paralyzing the work of their companies and government agencies.

Find problems in their most important technologies and strike them mercilessly. Literally destroy their energy, industry, transport, banking and social services. Instill fear of the imminent collapse of all critical infrastructure.

Are they afraid of handing over our weapons to the enemies of the Western world? We must transfer to them all possible types of weapons, except nuclear (for now)!
Are they afraid of anarchy and an explosion of crime in major cities? We must help disorganize their municipal government!
Are they afraid of war in space? This means they will receive it too.
Let everything stop for them, everything will deteriorate, everything will go to hell!
Are they afraid of social explosions? Let's arrange them!
We need to throw all the most ominous night terrors into their media sphere, use all their terrible phantom pains. No need to spare their psyche anymore! Let them shiver in their cozy homes, let them shiver under the blankets.
Are they yelling about our use of fake news? Let's turn their life into a complete crazy nightmare in which they will not be able to distinguish wild fiction from the realities of the day, infernal evil from the routine of life.

And no rules regarding the enemy! Let them get everything in full for harming Russia, and as painfully as possible! Everyone can contribute!

Quid pro quo! [i.e. Return the favor]
Tit for tat!
A fracture for a fracture, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; as he did <...>, so should be done to him
(Leviticus 24:20)."
Dmitry Medvedev 13 June 2024 (Telegram channel, machine translation, minor edits for sense)

And if the USA replies with tactical nuclear weapons? It is explicit in their military doctrine that they may attack with nuclear weapons if there are cyberattacks on the US. The President alone has the power to decide who is responsible and therefore who to launch nuclear weapons against. In fact, he can order a surprise attack, with nuclear weapons for any reason, or no reason at all. That is the way his Presidential authority is worded.

If he does that, then in accordance with Russian nuclear weapons use policy, Russia is entitled to respond with nuclear retaliation.

On the US mainland.

Such an response from Russian submarines will be with unstoppable Zircon missiles traveling at mach 9. They will reach command and control centers in about 4 minutes from launch. Russia's small 'tactical' nuclear weapons (if that is what they use) are 70 kilotons (70 thousand tonnes of TNT equivalent). For comparison, the nuclear bomb the American government dropped on Hiroshima bomb was about 15 kilotons (15 thousand tonnes of TNT equivalent). The nuclear bomb the American government dropped on Nagasaki was 25 kilotons (25 thousand tonnes of TNT equivalent). If you are wondering about the destructive power of these lower yield explosions, a brief description of the effects is here.

Indivisible Security is not just an option - it is an imperative.

Annex - History of the Indivisible Security Concept and the Consequences of refusing it - as outlined by Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister, Russian Federation

"I was asked to talk about multipolarity....The term “multipolarity” has an established presence in international diplomatic vocabulary courtesy of Russia. It was first used by one of my great predecessors, Yevgeny Primakov, in the mid-1990s, when he headed our Ministry. Back then, this term was met with skepticism, because just a few years had passed since the end of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp. The West announced it was the “end of history” meaning that Western liberal ideology would dominate our planet from then on.

NATO’s eastward expansion was one of the tools that the West used to consolidate this goal in practice contrary to the verbal promises that it gave to us. At Yevgeny Primakov’s initiative, the Founding Act was concluded in our relations with NATO in 1997, which clearly stated that we are not adversaries and none of us will strengthen our own security at the expense of the security of others.

Equal and indivisible security was proclaimed as the goal and the underlying principle of our work.

The same principle of indivisible security was enshrined in a broader context for all countries in the Euro-Atlantic region at the OSCE summits. A specific formula was set out there: security must be equal and indivisible, each country has the right to choose alliances, but at the same time, no country has the right to strengthen its security at the expense of the security of others.

At the same time, it was stated that not a single organisation in the Euro-Atlantic space should be entitled to claim dominance in security matters throughout the vast geopolitical field.

Clearly, there’s no point in highlighting the fact that our US-led NATO colleagues...have grossly violated the obligation not to strengthen their security at the expense of others and the obligation to prevent any one organisation (in this case NATO) from claiming the mantle of leadership and dictating its will to everyone else.

The practical outcome of this Western policy was unrestrained NATO expansion to the East.

We have been warning all these long years that this will not end well and that threats are being created to our security, despite the numerous promises and commitments made by the West.

We proposed making legally binding a commitment not to strengthen one’s security at the expense of others that we wrote down as a political commitment within the OSCE back in 2009. We proposed concluding a European Security Treaty. We received a polite and condescending answer to the effect that this would not work, because the West is prepared to provide legal security guarantees only to NATO members.

This led neutral states to believe that joining NATO will make things good for them. That approach of ours in 2009 was ignored just like the draft treaty that we came up with in November 2021.

Speaking at the expanded board meeting in our ministry, President of Russia Vladimir Putin proposed concluding a Russia-US and Russia-NATO treaty.

It would affirm security guarantees for all countries of the region, including Ukraine and other states that are not members of any military-political bloc.

Blocs will not be expanded.

The participants will outline reliable guarantees that will not create a feeling of danger or threat for anyone. This was arrogantly shot down as well

In the meantime, Ukraine was being physically drawn into NATO.

The perpetrators made public statements about the lack of any obstacles to Ukraine’s accession and said this wasn’t Russia’s business.

They planned to deploy strike weapons in Ukraine. Our British colleagues were building a naval base in the Sea of Azov.

Much was being done to turn Ukraine into “anti-Russia” as President Vladimir Putin put it. All this was going on against the backdrop of the processes unleashed by the coup d’etat in 2014 when undeniable radicals and neo-Nazis came to power. They demanded the end to the status of Russian language in Ukraine. They wanted to oust Russians from Crimea and sent units of militants to storm the building of the Crimean Supreme Council.

As a result, people in the east of Ukraine (particularly in Crimea) expressed their own opinion. They rejected the perpetrators of the coup d’etat and decided in referendums that they would live according to their own rules and values.

This was followed by a war that was stopped in February 2015 by the Minsk agreements. They merely provided for a special status for the regions of eastern Ukraine with respect for the territorial integrity of that country. For eight long years, presidents of Ukraine, up to and including the current one, flatly refused to honour these agreements in public and continued using force against Donbass.

The West that guaranteed the Minsk agreements and voted for them in the UN Security Council, rather than encouraging Kiev to abide by what it had signed, did everything it could to persuade it to avoid direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk. President of Russia Vladimir Putin spoke about this several times.

We had no other choice than to recognise these republics and rally to the defence of Donbass, Russian culture and language, and Russian media that were banned in Ukraine in the past few years. That country codified in law efforts to encourage neo-Nazi theories and practices."
Sergey Lavrov 17 May 2022

Index of Laurie Meadows articles on security